The Umbrellix Logo. Also a civil emblem of the Evdonia micronation. It's a transparent image with bottom-right corner stripes of red, grey white, celestial, and green.Umbrellix Fiction Lab Fiction, rambles and musings - all here. Fikcio, parolumoj, kaj elpensaĵoj - troviĝas tie ĉi.


Créée le Saturday 10 February 2024

Item number: P-200
Security class: Non-RQC, High-Risk (Attempts at containment are likely to be harmful to the item as well as to the wider world, as well as being difficult, and containment is not required.)
Classification: Restricted, EPF Eyes Only. If you have this file without holding a Restricted clearance, seal it in one of the provided privacy envelopes and see your Records officer and Force Intelligence at once.
Date recovered: P-200 was interviewed 2024W06/6 (2024/02/10). P-200 has not been recovered, according to the protocol for non-RQC P-class items.
Escape prevention: Not applicable.
Escape recovery: If P-200 is found in poor condition, but without obvious health problems, food, games they enjoy, and an SCSI analyzer (along with UNIX workstations and ancillary peripherals with SCSI interfaces) will generally help. Staff interacting with P-200 are required to wear Force standard-issue daily-wear respirators with filtered exhalation valves, as is procedure for interaction with off-base personnel since mid-2020.
Additional procedures: Under no circumstances are staff permitted to engage in occult rituals with P-200. P-200 themselves usually discourage this anyway.
Description: P-200 is a polymorphic, plural demi-goddex having assumed human form in the mid-70s to mid-80s. In IM conversations and semi-fictional writings, they have also assumed the forms of multiple (though never an integer) coyotes (Canis latrans sec. Thomas Say), at least one rubberized dragon (a wholly fictional species, at least to Force knowledge), and a mouse (possibly Mus musculus), as well as other forms it is inexpedient to list here.

P-200 answers to Alex Maestas (Force-mandated IPA pronunciation guide currently unavailable pending consultation with linguistics - P-200 themselves suggest «my ‹s› toss» as a pronunciation guide, but then says it's two syllables) or Alex Taxia (which becomes the screen name «atax1a»).

Further information is available to those with the appropriate security clearance and the need to know. Ask your Records officer and Force Intelligence for more information

OOC note: This article is dedicated to someone I believe I was once allowed to call a friend.