The Umbrellix Logo. Also a civil emblem of the Evdonia micronation. It's a transparent image with bottom-right corner stripes of red, grey white, celestial, and green.Umbrellix Fiction Lab Fiction, rambles and musings - all here. Fikcio, parolumoj, kaj elpensaĵoj - troviĝas tie ĉi.


Created Friday 09 February 2024

Item number: 3312; locally M-23

Containment class: Euclid, locally RQC Cassiar (EPF Records Note: Containment in our area of work has been especially difficult and requires help from Ketair)

File updated: 2019AD/4/5

Local Containment Procedures: Instances of M-23 infection reported by RMP merit asking Evdonia Power and Light (currently franchised by BC Hydro from Canada) to cut power to the affected household, then besieging for 96 hours. Response by EPF paramilitary (with engineers and sappers to do sabotage) from the nearest site, as well as an MTF from the nearest Ketair site (usually C10 («Site 7» to us)) equipped with amnestic drugs (known to prevent lycanthropy in those exposed to M-23), is authorized per the decision of the A, B and C directors. This exception to the Force-wide ban on the willing use of forget drugs is for the same reason of compassion the drugs were banned for in the first place.

We have requested the right to arrest for study instances of stage 6 M-23 infection, in lieu of sending to Ketair for further processing.

M-23 is not infohazardous, only cognitohazardous.

Stage 6 instances are not to be permitted direct access to the Internet. They have similar food needs to the animals they resemble; if unreal, but co-operative, consider asking them.

Description: See your Records officer or the Force's SCPNet (Ketair internal information system similar to our mainframe) gateway for information on SCP-3312.

Stage 6 instances in Force custody have been shown to have near-human intelligence and an awareness of their plight, despite losing all family associations &c. Staff have been reprimanded for excessive attachment, but superficial affection is encouraged if the instance desires it (mainly to help maintain instance morale). The mechanism of failure in stages 4 and 5 is unknown.

The Force-wide association of Memetics sections is charged with studying M-23 itself. Those infected who become stage 6 are the responsibility of community outreach (if left where found) and general researchers, preferably with biology backgrounds.